1 Percent Buyers Agent

Interactive Buyer's Agent Savings Calculator

If you are buying a home in Temecula, Murrieta, French Valley, Winchester, Menifee or Wildomar, use the savings calculator below to see how much you could save on your buyer’s agent fees.

Save Money on Buyers Agent Fees in Riverside County California

Save Thousands at Closing

If you are purchasing a home in southwest Riverside County, you can easily save thousands – if not tens of thousands – on your buyer’s agent fees with this discount commission program, while still enjoying the same high quality, full-service you would expect from other Realtors, but at a fraction of the cost!

How can I save so much?

It’s easy! While Real Estate Agent commissions are negotiable, 2 – 3% buyer agent compensation is not uncommon in Southern California, but one of our agents will help you through the entire home purchasing process for the low buyer-agent compensation fee of just 1% of the purchase price! There is no need to pay those high commissions. Use the interactive saving’s calculator below to see how much you could save on your buyer-agent fees.

Buyer's Agent Savings Calculator

The savings calculator below compares the low 1% buyer’s agent commission rate with a typical 3% that many other agents charge, and shows how much you can save on your buyer’s agent fees by using this special discounted rate. No gimmicks, no hidden fees, and the same exceptional full service.  Call me at (951) 294-1011 for a free, no obligation consultation.

Move the slider to the price of the home you are looking to buy, or an amount that’s within your budget if you have yet to find a suitable property.


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    Jeff Banks California Discount Real Estate Broker